Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stupid Sock Creature

Several years ago some friends of mine gifted me a book of instructions on how to create creatures from socks.  I have had so much fun from this gift!  Sock creatures are the perfect sewing project for me.  I can make one in one sitting and there are no fancy sewing skills required.  Actually, the more crooked my seams, the more character my creatures seem to have.  

If you've ever seen my giant basket of unmatched socks, then you know how much I love socks and how hard it is for me to part with them, even when I've been waiting for the mate to show up for ages.  Seriously, where do they go?  What to do with those great socks that no longer have a partner, or are no longer in favor?  Turn them into monsters, of course.   

I've made a few stupid sock creatures with my sewing machine, but for this creature I just used a needle and thread, and I must say that I did not miss the inevitable frustration that comes from my out-of-practice sewing machine operation skills.  All I needed to make this little guy was some nice music, a couple of sleeping kittens in my lap, and a tasty beverage.  

The most exciting part was stuffing him and seeing the sad little shell of sewn together sock bits inflate into a little creature.  

Then comes the really fun part - sewing funny lips from what was the heal of the sock, and adding some details, like a goofy tongue and some button eyes.  I will not admit to you how many button combinations I pinned on his face before I settled on these mismatched ones.  Button eye selection is a skill I must practice to master.     

The only problem with enjoying making sock creatures is finding homes for them.  Over the years, I've gifted some to kids of my friends and family, but I can't say that the kids ever thought they were as neat as I did, and I can only house so many sock dolls before I start to give myself weird looks.  However, when my nieces where at my house for Thanksgiving, my youngest niece came to ask me if she could play with the toys in a basket in my room.  When I realized she was asking about my personal collection of sock creatures, I couldn't have been more excited.  Finally, a kid has shown some interest!   And just in time for Christmas, too.  

My niece seemed to think it was particularly hilarious to pretend the sock creatures were licking Brandon in the face, so I made sure this creature has a giant floppy tongue.  Poor kid, she doesn't know that she's destined for a future full of used sock gifts!


Unknown said...

I really love the dog. What is the name of the book?

rain said...

Thanks! The book is called "Stupid Sock Creatures" by John Murphy.

Anonymous said...

what is this specific puppet called?

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