Sunday, March 24, 2013

Epic Kite Failure

Let me just say right away -the kite did not work.  At all.  It might have even been, as someone predicted,  and "epic fail."  I hate it when Brandon is right.  Even after I went to all the trouble sew a colorful tail and coax Brandon into painting on it, it still let me down. 

If I had decorated the kite, I probably would have chosen a butterfly or a bird, or something that made me think of flight.  Brandon decided to paint a snake.  I don't know why I ever doubted his choice.  It looked really great took him only a few minutes.

Maybe I put too much emphasis on form over function.  Or maybe we should have followed the directions.  Investing in some quality materials might have been the best thing we could have done.  Apparently pine dowels are not a strong as oak dowels, which is why they are cheaper.  Since both dowels snapped before I could even get it off the ground I never got to see if it was balanced or if the bridle needed adjustments.  I'm not defeated though.  I will try again.  Maybe. 

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