Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fun with Donkeys

The donkeys and I have been getting in the habit of a daily wipe down with herbal fly repellent.  It comes in a handy spray bottle, but they do not appreciate the sounds and sensations of the bottle, so I have to wet a cloth and wipe it on.   It's good practice for us, and even Rufus, who hates to have his back legs picked up, will let me wipe his legs and face now.  

I spent some time reading the Donkey Wisperer Farm Blog, and think it's helping me to remember to be on "donkey time."  Rufus and Hattie are friendly and curious, so if I chill out and don't approach them with intent, they will eventually approach me and I can casually get the job done.  It's not always easy to be on donkey time, but nothing makes Rufus more suspicious than trying to rush him into something.  I gotta act cool.   

Yesterday, after work, I put on my floppy hat and garden apron and assembled my donkey time tools.  I have a plastic cup with a few pieces of cut towel soaked in herbal fly repellent tucked in my apron, and a coffee can of compressed hay cubes to give for treats.  I also have my phone, and some Nu-stock medicine and cotton balls for the bald itchy patches on Rufus's ankles.  I brought along a couple of combs so we could try brushing some of their shedding fur.  

Hattie loves having her hair brushed!  She loves it so much she would wedge her body between me and Rufus and insist that I comb her hair and not his! 

I combed big wads of hair off, and if I didn't collect it and throw it over the fence so the donkeys couldn't reach it, they would eat it.  Gross!   

Rufus enjoyed having his neck and face combed, but it wasn't until I sneaked up on his butt and got a few good swipes in before he could move away that he really started to enjoy the comb.  He always enjoys a good butt scratch, so I was sure he would get into being groomed if he would just give it a chance.  Silly donkey.  

I put my hat on Hattie and she didn't like it.  I put it on Rufus, and he patiently held still with the hat on his head, but Hattie didn't like it, and pulled it off for him.  She's not into hats.  

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