Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Surprise Baby Goat!

Guess what!?! Our goat, Peaches, had a baby!  I didn't even know she was pregnant, so she was able to surprise me.  I came home from work to find a new tiny baby in the barn.  

As I walked toward the goat stall, I could see Peaches standing quietly by the gate, and I could see dark colored fur beneath her.  I thought, "Why is Little Buck laying under Peaches?"  As I got closer, I could see that it wasn't Little Buck at all, but his very first daughter!  

I was so excited I didn't know what to do.  Oh, Peaches!  Good job! 

The baby was mostly dry, but still had wet legs and tail.  She had about six inches of umbilical cord hanging down from her belly.  Peaches had the afterbirth hanging from her back side.  It looked like a clear water balloon filled with pink fluid.  Peaches was busy licking the baby and the other goats were unperturbed.  

I ran for my goat book to see what I was supposed to do.  I was supposed to be there during the delivery, have Peaches in a stall with privacy, and have a bunch of gear on hand just in case there was a problem and I needed to assist.  Whew - thank goodness Peaches knew what she was doing, because she didn't get any help from me!  

The book also said that baby goats can tolerate low temperatures as long as they are out of the wind.  Brandon and I debated moving Peaches and the baby, or moving all the boys, and finally decided that everyone was getting along and we should leave them as they were.  We did secure a piece of plywood along one side of the pen to make sure the baby was out of the wind and piled a bunch of clean hay in the stall to make sure it was nice and dry.  The afterbirth came out while we were in the stall and Peaches started to eat it.  Gag.  I took it away for burial.    

Peaches licked and nibbled the baby until it was all dry and clean.  The baby wobbles around on her long legs and nurses while Peaches licks her backside.  Her tail wags like crazy while she is nursing. 

The book says to make sure to handle the baby and get her used to being touched, especially if she's to be a milk goat someday.  She's so soft!  Her tiny hooves are rubbery on the bottom.  She doesn't mind being held, and Peaches doesn't mind if we hold her either.  Brandon keeps referring to her as Noob, because she's a Nubian and a newbie.  I haven't accepted that as her name, but I'm afraid it might stick!  


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO PEACHES! WAY TO GO LITTLE BUCK!! Oh Rain, ye of little faith.


rain said...

I know! I have apologized to Little Buck for doubting him. I still can't believe they pulled it off!

Looking back now, I can remember little things that should have clued me in to her pregnancy. So that's why I was noticing parts of her anatomy that I never noticed before! So that's why she was looking sort of fat! So that's why I never could tell when she went in heat! Doh!

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