Friday, June 28, 2013

Pollination Station

This video is brought to you by the Society for the Promotion of Short Work Days on Fridays (me!).  Finally, after what seems like weeks of non-stop life, I find myself off work early and with some of those rare hours that haven't been planned for.  So, what do I do?  Clean house, or catch up with weeds in the garden like I should?  Nope.  I watch the chickens eat, lay in the sun, and video bugs with my phone.  I'm sure it was more fun to make the bug videos than it will be to watch them, but just in case I want to take a break some day, when I don't have access to my garden for lolly gagging, or it's the dead of winter, I'm posting my video, which is untitled at this time.  I accidentally filmed my feet, and I included the "feet segment" in the video to add a dash of reality and artistic flair.  Really, I just thought it was sort of funny and weird. 
Summary: Listen to the buzz of insects, the chirp of birds, the hum of distant lawnmowers, and the soft melody of wind chimes, while watching flitting insects, the sway of flowers, and the sunlight filtering through the flower petals as Rain stalks her yard hunting insects on a sunny summer Friday afternoon in June.  For the optimum viewing experience, choose a time to view the video when you have over four minutes of quiet time, dim the lights, and compliment the video by drinking ginger ale, or other natural remedy for motion sickness, which may be induced by swaying branches, creepy bugs, brief segments with loud wind in the microphone, and shaky amateur photography.  Enjoy!

Only one worm was harmed in the making of this video. 

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