Monday, August 24, 2020

Foggy Morning Commute

Can you feel the hint of fall in the air on these foggy mornings?  I'm resisting the end of the summer, despite recent conversations about firewood stock piles and winter hay.  I'm not ready! 

Brandon is in the second week of the fall semester, and he's learning new technology so quarantined students can follow his lectures and do their homework remotely.  His nose gets raw from wearing a mask while teaching, and he said sometimes he has to go to his office, take off his mask, and scratch his beard like a dog!  

His classes start early, so we are up before the sunrise and ride into town together.  It's nice to be able enjoy the changing light on the landscape while he drives.  It's also nice that we encourage each others coffee addiction and indulgence in Starbucks.  I'be been arriving to work early and jittery from the caffeine. 

Someone told us that when they moved to Kentucky, they really wanted to buy a place out in the country, but ended up with a place in town and closer to work because they were afraid of the daily commute.  I've had at least a forty minute commute to my job since I started working nearly twenty years ago, so I'm used to it.  I enjoy listening to the radio.  Actually, at the end of the work day, when I drive away from town and toward the forests and farms close to home, I can feel tension and work worries leave my body and my mind.   

In the mornings we drive on the highway down a long hill where the rock has been cut away for the road, so there's a high wall topped with trees on either side right before a long bridge over a big river.  The river valley is usually filled with a dense cloud of fog, and sometimes I can't see the sun or the other side of the bridge.  It appears that the cars in front of us disappear into the mist.  This always triggers a memory from my childhood, of a cartoon where some kids get on a roller coaster, pass through a fog to a new dimension, and end up in a new world of magic and adventure, but they can't figure out how to get home.  Entering the bridge fog in the mornings makes me a little apprehensive.  Where will I come out on the other side? When I mentioned this memory to Brandon he knew exactly what I was talking about!  It's the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon intro from the 80s!  Now I know!  Do you remember this too?  


Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't a “Foggy Mountain Breakdown”!


rain said...

Ok, so I had to google Foggy Mountain Breakdown, and now I have banjo's playing in my mind! These dudes can play!

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