Tuesday, June 4, 2019

She's Shedding

Wendigo didn't tear up a pillow, she is shedding!  Her short undercoat hair starts to come off in big tufts, all at the same time, unlike Puck, who seemed to shed continuously.  


Once the shed starts to happen, just brushing against her with your clothes makes it look like you've had a fight with a cotton ball.  Shaggy fluffs hang from her hair, and it's very satisfying to pull it off by the handful.  It's very soft, and I could imagine someone carding it and turning it to yarn.   

Now that her shed is well underway, we dedicated some time to drinking beer on the lawn and brushing her hair.  Sometimes she will sit or lay down and peacefully allow us to brush her, but most of the time she thinks it's great fun to try to catch the brush with her teeth, so brushing her can be a wrestling match.  

The amount of hair seems never ending.  So much hair comes off that we need a rake for cleanup!

We take turns brushing her and she loves it.  Her tongue hangs down to her chest she's so happy to have all that attention.  

She looks smaller with some of that hair removed, and I'm sure she feels more comfortable - like finally getting to take off a wool sweater in the summer.  

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