Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Herb Spiral is Good

I've mentioned before that the mound of rocks and dirt by the back door is and herb spiral.  In this picture, it looks less like an herb spiral and more like an herb clump!  

But in that clump of vegetation, is several types of basil, holy basil, sage, oregano, and thyme, plus a milkweed plant and a couple of marigolds.  

The sweet basil and holy basil have dominated the spiral, for sure.  They smell wonderful, and I enjoy seeing the insects visiting the flowers right outside the door.  It's two steps past the door to harvest more herbs that we can eat!  Our favorite salad dressing during the elimination diet is a giant handful of herbs, mostly sweet basil, blended with olive oil, raw apple cider vinegar, honey, and a pinch of salt.  It's bright green, and tangy.  I keep a jar of it in the refrigerator and have been known to brush it on fish, and even add it to tomato sauce.  If I were smart I would figure out how to freeze some of these herbs in oil so I could have salad dressing even in the winter...  

Of the three milkweed plants that I transplanted to the top of the spiral, only one survived.  It's the tall plant with the broad leaves sticking up above the others.

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