Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Siblings in Halters and Goat Intimidation

Can you tell they are related?  Now that Hattie is shedding her lighter colored baby fur, she looks more and more like her brother Rufus.  They have the same fuzzy ears, and the same velvety noses.  They squabble over who gets to stand closest to the food, or who gets to be petted, just like siblings do.  A giant horse fly was buzzing around them yesterday, and Hattie practically crawled under her brother trying to escape before she kicked up her heels and raced for the barn.  She does not like horseflies.  

Look - Hattie is wearing her new halter!  It's pink.  You know, for a girl donkey.

Getting the halter on was a big step for Hattie and I.  Luckily for me, she loves sunflower seeds, so I was able to bribe her into wearing the halter.  Now that she can wear a halter, I can more easily wipe her down with the herbal fly repellent.   I made an appointment with the farrier to get both of their hooves trimmed too.  Hattie's eyes are frequently watery, and the tears make tracks down her face.  Her eyes aren't red or gunky, so I'm not sure if she's got allergies, dust in her eyes, fly problems, or something even worse.  Being able to tie her up is going to help me figure out what's going on.  

Little Buck has made his place in the goat herd.  He still gets bossed by the older goats, but he doesn't seem to mind as much these days.  He's pushy, just like Peaches.  I don't know if it's a difference in their breed or their upbringing, but the River brothers are less likely to step on my feet trying to force their way out of the gate when I come in.  Peaches and Little Buck just barge their way right past me, over me, or under me, if they can.  I can see now that I'm going to have to assert myself more in order not be trampled by my growing herd.  I was warned that slapping a pushy goat doesn't do anything but hurt your hand, since they are so bony and hard headed.  Seeing how hard they hit each other lets me know they would be hard to intimidate physically.  They respect the water hose the most, since they don't like to get wet.  I'm about to introduce them to a squirt bottle in order to teach them some manners! Stop stepping on my toes!

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