Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Goat TV

Stop staring at me, Little Buck!  I think he's trying to penetrate my brain with his square pupil-ed googly eyes.  He doesn't understand why I won't cuddle.  

He's growing up fast and now has a long beard and the hair stands up on his neck, which gives him a more masculine goat look.  He still acts like a dummy though.  

Little Buck was getting in the way while we were trying to reattach his mineral feeder, so Brandon pointed a drill at him and pushed the button so it made a whirring noise and Little Buck's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he ran away and cried like a baby.  Not such a tough goat, really.  

Unlike his daughter, Noobi, who has the crooked horns and knows she's armed.  She's getting bossier and bossier, and Peaches has to struggle to maintain her top goat status.  Noobi knows she has a horn that sticks up on her head, and she uses it to defend the food bowl.  I was petting her the other day and examined her udder, which is changing with her pregnancy, and she aimed the horn at me and swiped her head, like she was going to poke me for getting fresh.  I can see why it would be a good idea for milk goats to be hornless.  She could take out an eye!  

Our baby goats are getting so big we won't be able to hold them much longer!

Enjoy some baby goat TV.  

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