Friday, April 11, 2014

Garden Forts and First Spring Harvest!

The fist asparagus of the season!  Spring is finally, really, here.  It was right on time too, since according the blog, the first asparagus spears came on April 9 last year, and this year they were only one day different.  Helen and Mrs. Hall are laying eggs like real chickens these days too, so when I skip checking the nest box for a day or two I find a bunch at once and get extra excited.  I did a taste test with one of my asparagus spears and one that I bought from the store.  When eaten raw, my asparagus is not only juicier, but also tastes more ... aspargusy.  Almost too aspargusy to enjoy raw, which gets toned down some when it's slightly cooked.   

Any idea what these little seedlings are?  They are volunteering in a bed that last year had cilantro, dill, and parsley so I think they must be one of these.  I ate one, at it didn't really taste like any of those plants, but maybe it's too young.  Or maybe I ate a weed?!  I'm pretty sure it's something, so I covered them with one of my chicken wire boxes to protect them from the chickens.  These boxes have been very handy when it comes to chicken defense.  Brandon found them out by the dumpster at school, so I assume they are an abandoned art project.  I appreciate functional art.  

Considering the lengths I must go to, and the equipment I have assembled, to keep these two chickens out of my garden, it's a good thing I enjoy their company and their eggs so much.  I used to keep them contained in their tractor during the spring months, and move them about the yard for fresh grass daily.  Somehow I've decided that it's preferable to build forts around my garden beds and let the ladies have their freedom.  This adds an extra step to my planting efforts.  Not only do I have to prep the soil and plant the seeds, then I have to engineer chicken security.  

Using tomato cages and chicken wire, I created a sweet pea fortress!  Helen is examining the defences in the photo and I was pleased to see her defeated.  Last year they ate nearly all my pea seeds before they had a chance to sprout.  

In this bed, safely wrapped in chicken wire, I planted beets, kohlrabi, swiss chard, carrots, and a few radishes.  I've never eaten kohlrabi, so I don't know what makes me think I can grow it.  Maybe the chickens will like it.  


MA said...

The seedlings are dill.

rain said...

Thanks for playing! If you are correct, you get a prize!!

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