Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Bad Dog, or Bad Brandon?

If you ever come for a visit, and one-hundred pounds of Wendigo jumps into your lap as soon as you open your car door, you can blame Brandon! 

This is how Wendigo reacts to seeing Brandon's truck coming down the drive way.  She does a good job of making us smile when we come home. 

After she shows off jumping up and down, she runs around the side of the workshop to meet him at the door of his truck. 

Sometimes she jumps in with both front feet on his lap, and spreads hair and dirt in the process, and gets hugs and kisses for her efforts.  This is why I have dog hair on the ceiling of my car, and slobber on my rear view mirror.  I also know to never drink out of an open cup in the car, because there's a good chance Wendigo has licked it! 

Getting out of the car once she's welcomed you home involves shoving and yelling "back up, back up!" and hoping she hasn't helped herself to any object that she can leisurely chew to pieces.  Bad dog, or bad Brandon?  

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