Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fireside Cats Induce Writers Block and Winter Lethargy

I'm sure I haven't been settled in by the fire, with the cats and a hot cup of tea, ever since Thanksgiving and my last post.  I've done other thing too, but it's not obvious from my recent photos.  So many pictures of cats by the fire!

I admit that I have been quite distracted by re-reading all the books on my Kindle.  Also, I had the cold that's been going around, so I indulged in fire side reading in every spare moment for weeks while I recovered.  I overheard Brandon refer to me as a "snot fountain" on several occasions!  

I would say that my fingers feel rusty because I'm out of blog writing practice, but the problem isn't in my fingers, it's my mushy brain! What is this blank nothing that has replaced the words that used to flow forth?  I must have winter-comfort induced writers block.  

I blame the lazy cats and their completely unmotivated attitude to life.  Rufus the donkey is as adorable as ever, and the goats just as crazy.  Wendigo has creaky knees, but she hasn't let it get her down.  The Turkey survived the holiday season, and keeps company with her flock of chickens, just like always.  There are home repairs, sewing projects, family gatherings, and all the usual makings for Rain to ramble.  

Hopefully these fireside cat photos and this awkward post will kick-start my brain and my rusty fingers will follow.   

Brandon and I have re-committed ourselves to healthy eating, which will help re-charge my energy, I know.  After a few months of too much food and alcohol, I'm happy to feel some of my enthusiasm for healthy eating return.  I'm re-reading my old book on the Candida cleanse, which has inspired me to cut the booze, caffeine, sugar, starchy foods, and try to make at least sixty percent of what I eat be organic vegetables.   I've only been strict for a few days, and already my face looks less puffy, and I feel like I'm waking up after a long winters nap.  Heck, I'm even boring you with silly pictures of my cats, so it must be working!  

I've been sticking with Adriene and her free yoga videos every day that I can.  I've also been doing ten minute meditation practice with the free sessions on the Headspace app.  My farm chores force me to get some fresh air and movement every day too.  When life allows, I have no trouble sleeping for eight hours or more a night.  I'm not sure who I'm trying to reassure with this update, but I am making an effort toward physical and mental health.  Let's hope this leads to an abundance of spring time energy and blogging zest!   

Thankfully winter isn't over yet, so the cats and I can enjoy the fire for weeks to come! 

1 comment:

MA said...

Six more weeks I've heard!

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