Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The First Day

The baby goats are nearly a week old now, but these photos are from when they were only twenty-four hours old.  In those early days they mostly slept in the hay in the stall while Peaches grazed in the pasture.  When she came to visit they would nurse on wobbly legs before taking another nap.  They seemed so small and skinny, and would shiver in the cold, but Peaches never seemed worried.  

They have tentative names.  My mother suggested Newnoo for the girl, since I said she looked like her older sister, Noobi.  She is our New Noobi!  Brandon's mom suggested Nibs for the boy.  Noobi, Nibs and Newnoo - all of Peaches babies, born right here at home.  When we talk about our goats it will sound like baby talk!    

Little Buck was quite interested in the babies, but he can't snuggle with them because he hasn't been allowed on their side of the stall.  I checked the blog, and Little Buck just turned two years old.  He is officially a pain in the ass!  I'm not sure if it's his age, or a reaction to birth hormones in the air, but he drives me crazy rubbing on me.  He rubs his smelly face all over me, given the chance.  It's not exactly aggressive behavior, but he's very pushy and will not stop, even when I get so irritated that I try to knock him away.  When I try to open gates he jumps all over me and bites me with his lips.  Brandon laughs and tells me he can't help it, he just loves me so much!  Ack!  

I'm happy that one of the twins is a girl.  She's adorable. 

Here's few moments of day old goat snuggles.  

As cute as the girl baby is, the little boy might be even cuter! 

Here's a short clip of him trying to use his one day old legs.  He's got the hang of it now.  

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