Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Heart Chicken Heart, kind of

Yes, yes I did.  I made pate with chicken hearts.  After cooking all the chicken hearts, gizzard, and necks for stock, that I had from our big chicken day, I thought I might be able to further utilize the hearts by making chicken heart pate.  I cooked up some onions, garlic, and celery and put it with the hearts and some capers in the food processor.  

Then I put little dabs of the pate, with cheese and parsley, on some toasted hamburger buns.  Hey, nothing says classy like toasted hamburger buns.  "Brandon, pose with the pate".  Uh... not quite what I envisioned.  Turns out, a photo that includes a mustache on a plate is not appetizing. 

Final verdict - it's okay.  It's a little bland, and a little mushy.  It's best with Swiss cheese and a cracker, a glass of red wine, and when you are practically starving. 

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