Thursday, March 14, 2019


A baby boy and a baby girl!  Once again, Peaches surprised us.  It was a sunny and seventy degree day, so Brandon went home from work early.  He was swinging in the hammock when he got a text from our good neighbor that said, "I see you have some new baby goats."  What?!

Sure enough, Peaches was happily grazing in one corner of the pasture near her two tiny babies.  Thank goodness it was such a nice day.  By my calendar, she delivered eight days early.

By the time I got home, Brandon had already relocated all the other goats so Peaches and the babies  could have their own stall.  When Noobi was born, we left all the goats together, but these little ones seem so small and wobbly we were worried those rambunctious boys might step on them. 

The tan one that looks just like Peaches is the boy.

The tri-colored one that looks just like Little Buck is the girl.  Their feet are so small!

And their ears are so long!  They feel soft, but also very skinny.  I can see all their ribs and hip bones.  They nurse and sleep and I'm hopeful they are just small because they are twins.  

Brandon tells me I'm imagining things, but I think Peaches pays more attention to the boy.  She likes to nuzzle and lick him while he nurses, but doesn't seem to pay the same attention to the girl.  I watched them for a long time to make sure she was getting to nurse.

Peaches still has some gore on the back of her legs and down the back of her udder.  I tried to wipe her off with a warm wash cloth and she squirmed and stepped on the kids, which made them cry out.  I decided she would rather be dirty than harassed so soon after giving birth.  If I really want to clean her up, I'm going to have to lock her on the milk stand so she can't get away.

The nights are going to get cold again, so I'm going to worry about these tiny babies until they fatten up a bit.  

Did you see my new picture on the right side of the screen?  Brandon took my photo holding the girl baby and I thought it was fitting that my old picture was me more than ten years ago, holding a baby goat while wearing a pink sweatshirt, just like now.

This is the younger me photo that you are used to seeing.  I'm older now, and wear glasses, but I'm a little smaller.  

Still happy to hold a baby goat!  


Ashley Storm said...

Can't wait to visit the new babies!

donny_walrus said...

So Cute! What’s surprise. How are they this morning?

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