Thursday, January 25, 2018

One Weird Bird

Is it an owl?  A hawk?  A chicken? 

The hatchery didn't say what kind of bird the bonus chick they sent me was...  MJ was just a tiny, dark, and fluffy baby who was raised with giant dodo meat birds.  Now look what she has become! 

She's become a pest! She is constantly under my feet or pecking at my pant legs.  She clucks and coos and makes such a ruckus that Wendigo makes a game of putting a paw on her back so she can hear her squawk.  During the cold spell she was the only bird that didn't find a safe place out of the weather, and her feet were encased in ice one night, and she couldn't grip the perch.  I brought her in to thaw out overnight, but now she has a swollen foot and a limp.  

She's happy for me to pick her up, but she bites my fingers.  I still have to carry her to bed each night because she finds the strangest places to make her bed.   The goats do not enjoy a chicken cuddle!  She's one weird bird.  

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