Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Creepy and Gorey Story

Does Wendigo relishing the taste of a deer spinal cord put you in the Halloween spirit?  Mmm... vertebra, right?  If you like a little gore for your ghoulish holiday, you might appreciate the sight she made while disemboweling a dead rabbit.  I saw her excitedly tearing into something brown, and arrived to investigate just in time to see her slurp up the feces filled colon straight from the rabbits torn underside.  Yuck!  Would a responsible dog owner take the dead rabbit away for burial, or do like me, and pretend I didn't see what she was up to and retreat to the house?    

That night, the overcast sky blocked all light from the stars and moon, and the glow from the heat lamp in the chick brooder illuminated the greenhouse plastic with a devilish red glow.  What's that noise?!  Wendigo, is that you?  

I shouldn't think about murdered rabbits and devilish glows this close to all hallows eve.  Despite the eerie glow, I entered the dome of plastic to tend the chicks.  I also roamed to the barn and to the boy goat fence to count the glowing green eyes of the goats, who kept to their shelter, and didn't come forward for petting, like usual.  A rustle in the trees startled me.  What is that?!  Wendigo?  

I looked back to the house to reassure myself that the windows were still shining bright.  Coyotes called from the neighbors field as I went to fetch Wendigo's dinner dish and fill it from the bin in the barn.  Where is that dog?  She never misses dinner... Wendy, where are you?  

I called and got no answer.  I walked through the dark to the scene of the rabbit gut feast, and saw no sign of the rabbit or Wendy.  There wasn't even a piece of fur left as evidence.  Did she eat it all?  

I hear the new gravel on the driveway crunch, and the motion sensing lights come on.  Who's there?!  In the light I see her, sitting still and tall and casting a long dark shadow.  Come on girl, it's dinner time!  She didn't move, and sat still and staring.   

I went to her and could tell by her pitiful expression that something was wrong.  She didn't want to eat dinner and had a sorry look on her face.  Eating a deer spine and an entire rabbit - fur, guts, and all - on the same day, might be too much yuck for one pitiful doggy.  Poor puppy had a belly ache, like a kid after trick-or-treat.  For a couple of days she suffered from diarrhea, and I fed her rice water and canned pumpkin.  We tried to feed her pepto bismol, but she wouldn't have it.  She's back to her same old self today, just in time for Halloween.  No treats for her!  

Happy Halloween!

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