Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Office Window and Goats

Check out the view from my new office window.  The office that's now crammed into my bedroom!  I like it though, even if setting up a home office in the bedroom preceded weird dreams where my boss set up a bizarre command center in my room.  My work life has invaded my subconscious private life!  

Here's a close up through the window screen right behind my laptop.  The donkeys entertain me by rolling in the dust while I wait for my slow internet connection.  All that brown area in the fence in the middle ground is the summer garden covered in old hay from the animal bedding.  See those white shapes in the garden?  Those are chickens digging in the garden beds behind the supposedly chicken proof fencing.  This is a problem.  

Donnie, our newest goat herd member and hope for future kids with nice udders, has stopped being such a cry baby.  I think he's finally accepted that his new life doesn't involve animal crackers.  Poor guy.  If I could have animal crackers without eating them myself, I would give him some. 

Little Lips, Peaches granddaughter is a scrawny little goat.  She's spry though, and the only goat that likes to play with Donnie.  

Here's Peaches daughter from last spring.  She's a hardy goat like her mother, but has horns and likes to jab me with them.  There's a chance she's pregnant from Donnie, although I don't see any evidence.  Peaches had a date with Little Buck back in December, so she's due to deliver in May.  She looks like she's got twins to me.  

When Newnoo jabs me with her horns I can imagine how tasty goat burgers would be! 

I don't let Little Buck and the River brothers out to graze with the rest of the goats.  Mostly because they are hard to separate back into their own pasture, but also because the River brothers get riled up around Wendigo and have been known to ram her with their heads.  With her creaky knees, she can't get away quickly.   The girl goats don't pay any attention to her as long as she's laying down.  

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