Friday, April 5, 2019

Moving Hay

I've always heard that people can be crushed by those giant bales of hay.  Now I know how it happens!  Every couple of months, since we've been out of our own home made hay, Brandon takes the trailer over to Joe's house and buys a couple of round hay bales.  Joe puts them on the trailer with his tractor, but we don't have a tractor to get them off.  Instead, Brandon wedges his body between the bales and uses his legs to push a bale off the back.  My job is to hold onto the dog so she doesn't get smashed by the bale when it rolls off, and to fret that he's going to crush himself while he's doing it.  

The second bale is even harder to move because he doesn't have a bale to put his back against.  I'm glad to see that all those hours at the gym are useful. 

There's always some hay that unrolls from the bale, so he uses a pitch fork to throw it over the fence.

So that's why they call it a pitch fork! 

Moving hay is not a thankless job.  The donkeys, goats, and I are always extra grateful for his hard work.  


MA said...

Now you have me worried! Can't you just leave it on the cart?

rain said...

Most of the time we need the cart for other things, plus most of the hay we get is moldy on the outside, so we have to peel off a few feet and it makes a big pile on the ground. I'm not sure it would be very easy to harvest the hay from the cart with all that moldy hay making a barrier. I can't wait until it's hay making time and we can have plenty of un-baled fresh hay that won't smash anyone!

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