This is Light River, one of the twin Nigerian wethers that were gifted to me from my goat mentor. She gave me Light River and Dark River so they could keep Peaches, my big Nubian doe, company. Peaches was much happier, and less noisy, once she had the River brothers to snuggle with at night.
Can you see the bloody red spot on the top of Light Rivers head in the photo above? Also notice that he and his brother have flattened hair on the top of their heads. This is because they spend so much time knocking their heads together or butting heads with Little Buck. They rear up on their back legs, aim their heads, and then fall forward and bang their stupid heads together. Over and over again until their hair is flat and their heads are raw.
They find it entertaining I guess, since they spend so much time doing it. Now that Little Buck is growing up, he sometimes wins the contest and pushes Light River out the stall door. The girl goats and I just try to ignore their antics. Sometimes they get carried away and disturb Peaches from her food. Uh oh. She is quick to lay down the law and pushes the offender away. She reigns over the herd and none of us question her authority. Do not interrupt her dinner!
The goats appear so content when they have their hay. If we would like a few minutes of goat induced zen, we can watch them happily chewing in this video.
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