Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Big Dog, Little Donkeys

Oh my!  Wendigo, you are too big to be a lap dog!  She will never agree though.  If she could cuddle up in our laps and take a nap, like she did when she was only months old, she would.  It's fun to have such a cuddly dog.  As long as we don't mind sporting long white dog hair all over our clothes! 

Wendigo is nearly as tall as Rufus.  Rufus and I practiced walking around the farm with the lead rope.  He is really getting the hang of it now, and as long as I walk forward with a sense of purpose, he follows along nicely, even deep into the weeds and brush, to visit Brandon while he cuts fire wood.  

Wendigo might be nearly as tall as Rufus, but Rufus is pretty small for an equine.  

While Rufus and I were out on our adventure visiting Brandon, Hattie was left behind with the goats.  Even from the far corner of the little farm, I could hear her braying for her brother.  Rufus finally answered her back, and nearly deafened me with a long, loud, bray.  

When I walk Rufus on the lead rope, Hattie falls into place behind him, and we meander around the pasture like we are in a congo line.  I haven't gotten brave enough to bring them both outside the fence at the same time though, because I can't figure out the logistics of the lead rope for a donkey bringing up the rear.  Should I make them learn to walk side by side?  

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