Friday, February 8, 2013

Blackberry Wine

Jamie and I filtered and bottled the blackberry wine Wednesday night.  It's mostly blackberry from my yard and my friends blackberry patch, but there's a few pounds of strawberries in the mix and I think the wine tastes more like strawberries than blackberry.  We'll let it spend several months in the bottles and see how it turns out.
This is our filtering set up.  The wine is siphoned from the glass carboy on the table to the bottle with the hand pump (like a garden sprayer) in the chair, then is pushed through the paper filter inserts in the plastic housing (in the pan because it leaks) on the little table, and then into a bucket on the floor.  We're not sure if we should continue to use the filter.  It's a pain in the neck and we can't seem to keep it from putting some air in the wine, which could lead to bad flavor.  But, its supposed to make the wine bright and clear.  We used it with the last batch of strawberry and it must be pretty good because we managed to drink two bottles of it while working on this batch!  I don't even remember putting the corks in.  Just kidding, I remember.  At least I remember it was hilarious, but why...?  

Brandon seems to think I should step up my labeling system to something a bit more impressive.  Apparently masking tape that says "Blackberry 2/13" isn't classy enough for him (snob!).

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